Tips for Catholic freshers!

The first weeks of university will probably be the most exciting times you’ll ever experience - and some of the most stressful. This is true especially for those who want to continue observing their Catholic faith, and might feel anxious about being pressured to move away from it. So if you feel you want to continue to be a Catholic when you begin at university, or maybe would like to explore your faith a bit more, here are a few tips courtesy of the British Jesuits website.  

And if you're about to start at one of the following universities, you will find members of the UK Ignatian family waiting to welcome you

Aberdeen  - Religious of the Sacred Heart
Digby Stuart College (Roehampton) - Religious of the Sacred Heart
Heythrop College (London) - Jesuits and Congregation of Jesus
Manchester - Jesuits
Oxford - Jesuits
South London universities (Goldsmiths and South Bank) - Faithful Companions of Jesus
