"Now, on this 54th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, I would like to reflect on the missionary dimension of our Christian calling. Those who drawn by God’s voice and determined to follow Jesus soon discover within themselves an irrepressible desire to bring the Good News to their brothers and sisters through proclamation and the service of charity. All Christians are called to be missionaries of the Gospel! As disciples, we do not receive the gift of God’s love for our personal consolation, nor are we called to promote ourselves, or a business concern. We are simply men and women touched and transformed by the joy of God’s love, who cannot keep this experience just to ourselves. For "the Gospel joy which enlivens the community of disciples is a missionary joy" (Evangelii Gaudium, 21)."
From Pope Francis' Message for today's World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Today we pray very especially for vocations to the Ignatian family, in this country and abroad - for more men and women to be touched and transformed by the joy of God's love, and willing to respond to his call to devote themselves to proclamation, prayer and service as Ignatian religious.
Three Ignatian women - MaryAnne, Naomi and Silvana - share something of their call on the National Office for Vocation's website Vocations Sunday feature
Women considering a call to religious life might be interested in these discernment opportunities with two Ignatian congregations: -
Faithful Companions of Jesus: Broadstairs, 26th - 28th May
Society of the Sacred Heart: London, 30th June - 2nd July
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