Unlocked Posted by Ignatian Family UK on September 22, 2020 courses & workshops media scripture + young people courses & workshops media scripture young people
Courage and Faith: the voice of the Amazon Posted by Silvana rscj on September 20, 2020 care of creation Jesuit Missions lectures and talks + the family abroad care of creation Jesuit Missions lectures and talks the family abroad
School of Ignatian Prayer Posted by Ignatian Family UK on September 19, 2020 courses & workshops Ignatian spirituality London Jesuit Centre + prayer courses & workshops Ignatian spirituality London Jesuit Centre prayer
First vows by three men of faith Posted by Ignatian Family UK on September 04, 2020 Covid19 formation news Jesuits +1 news from congregations vows and ordinations Covid19 formation news Jesuits news from congregations vows and ordinations