Young Adult Retreat Posted by Silvana rscj on September 29, 2014 events FCJ prayer retreats + young people events FCJ prayer retreats young people
Short, sweet and to the point! Posted by Ignatian Family UK on September 24, 2014 general news Jesuits publications + resources general news Jesuits publications resources
Tips for Catholic freshers! Posted by Ignatian Family UK on September 17, 2014 CJs education FCJ general news Heythrop Jesuits RSCJ + young people CJs education FCJ general news Heythrop Jesuits RSCJ young people
An invitation Posted by Ignatian Family UK on September 11, 2014 events family members +3 family saints and pin-ups news from congregations SMG women religious events family members family saints and pin-ups news from congregations SMG women religious
Jesuit First Vows - Magnifying the Lord Posted by Ignatian Family UK on September 09, 2014 events formation news Jesuits +1 news from congregations vows and ordinations events formation news Jesuits news from congregations vows and ordinations
Mount Street 10th anniversary Posted by Ignatian Family UK on September 05, 2014 anniversaries events Mount Street + project news anniversaries events Mount Street project news