September in Glasgow Posted by Silvana rscj on August 31, 2014 courses & workshops events +1 general news Ignatian spirituality social justice courses & workshops events general news Ignatian spirituality social justice
St Alberto Hurtado Posted by Silvana rscj on August 18, 2014 family members family saints and pin-ups feasts Hurtado Centre JRS + social justice family members family saints and pin-ups feasts Hurtado Centre JRS social justice
Many gifts, one Spirit Posted by Ignatian Family UK on August 08, 2014 events general news Ignatian groups Magis + young people events general news Ignatian groups Magis young people
Restoration Posted by Ignatian Family UK on August 07, 2014 anniversaries events history and roots Jesuits + news from congregations anniversaries events history and roots Jesuits news from congregations